Our farm, located in the beautiful Bitterroot Valley in Montana, is where we raise our flock of Gotland sheep. We believe our products are superior to others based on the fact that our beautiful multicolored wool has incredibly lustrous curls that are rich in color and depth and are luxuriously soft to the touch. We take that wool and create handcrafted rugs, pillows and fleeces of exceptional quality and beauty that showcases the true essence of wool that is humane, raw, and minimally processed.
Our farm started out with four fine Gotland sheep and a dream of someday making rugs from their wool. That dream became an adventure of epic proportions and a mission to find out what makes the best wool possible, and therefore the best wool products. Our fleeces have a depth of color, shine and softness that's hard to find with other wool products. They are each unique pieces of felted art that will invite creativity and inspiration in any space.
Our mission is to simply create the best wool products, starting with healthy, happy sheep, raised on green pastures, sunshine and lots of love. From the food and minerals we feed them to the way we feed them, we provide wool products that are superior in quality that help people reconnect with the land and animals in a natural, humane way that showcases the absolute beauty of raw wool. In fact, we've been so successful at this sheep game, we've recently branched out onto YouTube to help other people be successful too!
Felting tutorials, Beginner Shepherdpreneur Courses, Memberships and so much more!
Check out this great video
Thank you for visiting our site! We are very proud to offer what we believe is an incredible demonstration in how beautiful and rich wool can be in it's rawest form. We carefully select wool of the highest quality from animals that are well cared for, healthy and happy. We then felt the back of the fleece in way that makes the curls adhere fully, creating a product that is a warm, lush, functional piece of art. Display it over a chair, hang it on the wall, snuggle it on the sofa, or put it on the floor next to the bed, so you can start the day by sinking your toes in warm curls.
Our products are handmade to our highest expectations, but they are still organic, handcrafted, and are not intended for high traffic areas. To freshen, simply shake outside. If wool becomes heavily soiled, it can be washed, but please email us for further instruction and we will be happy to help you.
All our products come with a 7 day satisfaction guarantee. If you receive one of our creations and it doesn't meet your expectations, just return it at your expense within 7 days, and your money will be returned. Because our sheep are raised on pasture and grass, you may find a piece of grass or two in the wool. Just pick out and discard. We do our best to ensure there isn't vegetable matter in the wool, but we felt the fleeces raw, or in the grease, before washing. Inevitably some stubborn pieces stay in, despite our best efforts to remove them. And honestly, sheep eat without a care in the world and have no thought to how much work they create for us. We still love them anyway.
If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to email us at fourfinesheep@outlook.com. Also, feel free to visit our Instagram page for more pictures, videos and adventures!
Thank you for visiting our Events page! Here you will find information on upcoming events, as well as where to find us in person.
Explore The Arts, Hamilton MT
This workshop will teach you how to wet felt with a resist, while also creating your own custom fit pair of wool slippers. Please email Jean...
Explore The Arts, Hamilton MT
MaddieMo Makery, Stevensville MT
This workshop will teach you how to wet felt with a resist, while also creating your own custom fit pair of wool slippers. Please email Jean...
MaddieMo Makery, Stevensville MT